Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Essay FAQs

Hi All,

the blog seems like a logical place to post FAQs and answers about the essays.

We'll enter the question as the original post, and our answers as comments. Feel free to post clarifying questions in the comments, or to email your tutor a new question to be posted and answered.

Happy writing!


  1. I'm writing my essay on how The Matrix interprets Baudrillard's theory of simulation. Is it alright if I also do my tutorial presentation on simulation?

  2. Hi Lanns,

    yes, that's absolutely fine. In fact, it's a good idea to build on the work you do for the tute presentation in the essay.

    Obviously, you can't make the same text the primary focus of both essays though ...

  3. I was wondering what exactly this question means:

    9. "Postmodern texts such as Natural Born Killers and/or Blood & Guts in High School are often described in terms of 'complicit critique' of dominant codes of representation. But this is an alibi for the uncritical reproduction of oppressive and/or offensive material." Discuss.

    Also i need clarification with this question too:

    10. White Noise does not exhibit "a sentimental regret for a lost world of depths, a nostalgic opposition of surface to substance. There is a depth to be found in this world (this house, this novel), but it is not a fullness of being; rather, it's the other end of the packaging process, a sort of final interiority of the wrapping." (John Frow, "The Last Things Before the Last: Notes on 'White Noise '") Discuss.

    I'm not sure what 'it's the other end of the packaging process, a sort of final interiority of the wrapping.'

    Any help would be appreciated.
